March 7, 2011
I have discussed United Online several times on this site, and noted that it has apparently attractive dividends and free cash flows, but that the loss of a post-transaction marketing program has affected their free cash flows in such a way that a prudent investor should wait and see how they regain their traction. As […]
August 9, 2010
The below post was a foray into the world of macroeconomics, a matter which I have no formal and little informal education in but I nonetheless feel perfectly qualified to give my opinion, just like everyone else. Now I would like to talk about issues in valuing United Online, a matter with which I have […]
March 25, 2010
Sorry for the silly pun. United Online (UNTD) is a conglomerate of three online companies joined at the parent level. Their first, and oldest, company is a dial-up ISP that was created when Juno and NetZero merged. Their second segment is made of Classmates Online and, which is an Internet marketing loyalty service. Their […]