Smart Modular (SMOD) to go private – You’re welcome

April 27, 2011

It was announced yesterday that Smart Modular Technologies (SMOD) would be taken over by a private equity firm for $645 million, or $9.25 per share. When I recommended it here on January 3, the price was $5.94. Not bad for a few months’ wait, I think.


Red Hat Inc., Priced like it’s 1999, Expect a Hangover like 2001

September 27, 2010

As I stated last week, I have taken the view of James Montier that a low price/sales ratio is an unreliable indicator of cheap stocks, since it ignores profit margins and capital structure. I have similarly adopted his view that an astronomically high price/sales ratio is a reliable indicator of overpriced stocks, because at a […]


Concur Technologies Cannot Grow Fast enough to Catch up to its Price

September 20, 2010

Montier, in his Value Investing, made a spirited defense of value investing by demonstrating, not only that it works in a normal market, but also, based on the history of Japan, that it works effectively in a lost decade scenario. I find this significant because it strikes me that the United States faces a significant […]